Curriculum Vitae
Elijah A. Goodwin (b. 1974, USA)
80 Miller Ave., Tarrytown, NY 10591 • 413-522-5882(M)
May - Group Exhibition, Art Gallery at the Rockefeller Park Preserve, NY: SNAP! - Living With Trees
May - Group Exhibition, A.I. Friedman Gallery, NY: Photographic Diversity
May - Group Exhibition, Greenburgh Public Library, NY: Westchester County Amateur Photo Contest
Mar - Best of Show and Honorable Mention, 44th Westchester International Exhibition
Sep - Solo Exhibition, Landow Family Gallery, MD: Protected Spaces
Professional Preparation
University of Massachusetts Wildlife Biology B.S. 1997
Boston College Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. 2000
University of Massachusetts Organismic and Evol. Biol. Ph.D. 2008
Oct - Judge’s Choice, NANPA Showcase, Category: Altered Reality
Oct - Top 100, NANPA Showcase, Category: Scapes
Oct - Top 250, NANPA Showcase, Category: Birds
Oct - Top 250, NANPA Showcase, Category: Macro/Other
Jul - Best B&W, NECCC Conference Print Competition, Category: Nature
Mar - Best Of Show, 44th Westchester International Exhibition, Projected Image
Mar - Honorable Mention, 44th Westchester International Exhibition, Nature
Contributed and Invited Presentations
Goodwin, E.A. 2015-2017. Of bird and beeches: wood thrush productivity and management at Rockefeller State Park Preserve. Invited public presentations for Warner Library, Hudson River Audubon, Mearns Bird Club, Pallisades Interstate Park League Of Naturalists, Blackrock Forest/Highlands Symposium, and Saw Mill River Audubon/Croton Free Library.
Goodwin, E.A. 2007. Song in blackbirds: more than meets the ear. Invited presentation, Hampshire Bird Club, Amherst, MA.
Goodwin, E.A. 2005. The role of improvisation and invention in vocal learning. 10th Annual Bird Song Workshop, Rockefeller University Field Research Center, Millbrook, NY.
Goodwin, E.A., T.A. Armstrong, J.A. Wells, and D.E. Kroodsma. 2005. Comparative song development in migratory versus resident red-winged blackbirds. Annual meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird, UT.
Goodwin, E. 2006. Rashi. In: Laboratory exercises for introductory biology (Ed. by Goodenough, J.E.), pp. 43-52. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Goodenough, J.E., S. Ludlam, M. Tillson Ludlam, R.S. Cairl, E. Goodwin, E. Bone, E. McMahon, and C. Skow. 2006. Field walk. In: Laboratory exercises for introductory biology (Ed. by Goodenough, J.E.), pp. 83-88. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Kroodsma, D.E., R.W. Woods, and E.A. Goodwin. 2002. Falkland Island Sedge Wrens imitate rather than improvise large song repertoires. Auk 119(2):523-528.
Daly, M.A. and E. Goodwin. 2002. Attracting Purple Martins, Fact Sheet 792. Baltimore County Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland.
Kroodsma, D.E., W.-C. Liu, E. Goodwin, and P.A. Bedell. 1999. The ecology of song improvisation as illustrated by North American Sedge Wrens. Auk 116(2):373-386.
Kroodsma, D.E., J. Sanchez, D.W. Stemple, E. Goodwin, M.L. Da Silva, and J.M.E. Vielliard. 1999. Sedentary life style of Neotropical sedge wrens promotes song imitation. Animal Behaviour 57(4):855-863.
Other Teaching and Service Experience
Researcher, “Wood Thrush Productivity Survey”, Rockefeller State Park Preserve, 2015-present (including mentoring two local high school interns)
Directed Study Presenter and Lecturer, including Forensic Science, Ecological Monitoring, and Bird Intelligence, National Youth Science Camp, Bartow, WV, National Youth Science Foundation, Summer 2014-2017
Peer Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Zoology, National Research Council Canada
Peer Reviewer, The Condor, Cooper Ornithological Society
Invited Workshop Presenter, “Strategies for Effective Grading”, Campus-wide TA Orientation, Univ. of Massachusetts, Fall 2003-2006
Caving Coordinator and Staff Member, North American Youth Science Leadership Institute, Bartow, WV, National Youth Science Foundation, Summer 2002
Directed Study Presenter, “Avian Bioacoustics”, National Youth Science Camp, Bartow, WV, National Youth Science Foundation, Summer 2000
Assistant Director for Programming, National Youth Science Camp, Bartow, WV, National Youth Science Foundation, Spring-Summer 1999
Natural Sciences Coordinator and Special Events Coordinator, National Youth Science Camp, Bartow, WV, National Youth Science Foundation, Spring-Summer 1998