An unfinished work that I hope to come back to, this series explores the challenges facing streams that run through high population centers and the sometimes incredible beauty that can still be found there. By using night photography I hope to help the viewer look differently at these often ignored and taken for granted waterways, but also be able to use different colored light to highlight both environmental damage and environmental healing. This series focuses on four streams in Northern Virginia: Difficult Run, Pimmit Run, Scott's Run, and Cameron Run. Each of these streams run through heavily populated areas of Northern Virginia and flow into the Potomac River and thus eventually the Chesapeake Bay. Each stream faces challenges common to urban streams, such as channelization, erosion, sewage and other pollution, and even impacts from human recreation.
Image Titles (L to R, by row): 1. Density, 2. Self-Portrait-Despair, 3. Floodplain, 4. Mouth, 5. No Dumping, 6. Self-Portrait-Disgust, 7. Sons Of Bitches Like Us, 8. Swallowed